Diversity and Inclusion

“Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities”  – Voltaire


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Harvard University is inadvertently asking that students and staff align with unsustainable and socially irresponsible policy, by requesting Diversity and Inclusion in its hiring programs, and many governments and businesses in high-income nations are making a similar mistake.

This is not an article about religion, but many readers might not realize that the Bible was an absolutely scientific civics textbook that explained how to build sustainably successful societies. Its first five books, the Pentateuch, are updates of the Constitutions of Hammurabi and Ur’Nammu – word for word and line by line in many examples.

Ten Commandments of Ur-Nammu Code of Hammurabi line-by-line

This is the reason that 800 Constitutions are based on the Bible since 1791 (according to Wikipedia). 

You also don’t realize that:

EVERY large nation that ensures all of the human rights in the Bible are advancing today, while ALL nations that don’t are collapsing

Edward Tilley, The Book – The Scientific Update of the Bible, 2021 (citation)

The Roman Emperor Constantine wasn’t a religious man, but in 325 A.D. he governed a nation that was at war with itself. Constantine recognized the urgent need for a universal civic law and code similar to Hammurabi’s from 1760 BC, which could stabilize and govern his society.

In 1639, Harvard University’s Puritan philosophers and academic founders took the unusual step of establishing their university based on physics, metaphysics, and also on the bible’s scripture – for this reason.

The Bible’s model for a sustainable society included basic laws (613 are in the Old Testament’s Pentateuch  – not counting the Ten Commandments), Heads of Households, family values, respect of neighbors (the Golden Rule), respect of parents, one’s mate, respect of employees via living wages, and single-income families as well.

Core family values, family savings, pensions, property ownership and the right of a good home, the importance of community meetings weekly, abundance, happiness, avoiding debt, and avoiding excessive possessions too – are all important civics lessons explained in the Bible’s storytelling.

And these were just the basics; because The Bible also explained Capital Formation, investment, paying more tax whenever you earn more, and even a sophisticated 50th-year Economic Reset (Leviticus 25:26) and Debt Forgiveness program – which are advanced economics lessons that our current society has certainly ignored today. A 7-year debt-forgiveness standard was taken from the Code of Hammurabi which is 4,000 years old (1763 BCE), then adopted by the Judain Torah in 763 BCE, before it was rolled into Ta Biblia between 280 and 425 ACE.

Essential Good was given “teeth” when presented as a God and afterlife, and the Golden Rule was the Saviour of others, the Joshua – in Greek, Jesus

“Si Dieu n’existait pas, il faudrait l’inventer.” – Voltaire

Translation: If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him

Essential Human Values of Good, Respect, and Human Advance – were represented by a Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Harmful ideologies (Neoliberalism, Libertarian, NAZIism, Right Left divisionism, and Feminist Anti-family values) were called “False Idols” and the wealthy merchant class economic powers that sponsored harmful ideologies to gain electoral powers or influence – were called “The Beast”.

The Bible presented the requisite USE CASE, Actors, Inputs, and Outputs of a sophisticated working system for sustainable societies. Most policies in the Bible are quantifiably sustainable and important in econometric science. The World at our Hands Report‘s library of policy proofs presents an econometric analysis of ta Biblia’s policies for this reason.

By the policies in the Bible, we should never see a Mature Capitalism as we do today, and as we also saw in the 1930s. Mature Capitalisms are mathematically certain imbalances that occur in capitalisms reliably over 60-years. These imbalances are expensive, dangerous, and correctable also. 

Today, the U.S. loses an unreported $30 billion every day due to 130-million citizens here living on starvation wages in unbalanced, low social contracts because we can’t vote for sustainable laws and policies.

Freedom, in a monetary society, is having money left over after all costs-of-living are paid. 40% of Americans don’t own anything according to the Federal Reserve Budget Report of 2010, despite a Constitution that insists on the sustainable policy of “Freedom” – or as Henry Ford explained it, living wages. Blue Collar Workers have modest savings, own homes, and pensions, but this 130-million group is below that level.

We were “too smart” for this secular and philosophical education, but once you strip away the story-telling approach needed due to a 99.9% illiteracy rate in that era, bibles teach us time-tested, scientific (observed-successful) solutions to the very great majority of social problems that we see today.

The challenge that we failed, was to present those important sustainability lessons in a contemporary context so that contemporary societies could build sustainably today as well.

Most of us struggle to understand what is useful context and truth, even in our news programs today. Which news is opinion and unimportant, what advice and policy is inaccurate or even harmful, and, which policies are proven to work reliably and to be essential? We don’t have a clue today because our schools don’t teach us how to build sustainable societies any longer. We are not taught which policies are sustainable versus which are unsustainable and therefore, socially irresponsible. The billion-dollar advertising campaigns of political oligarchies and unsustainable neoliberalist campaigns serve as our only civics training instead.

Social Contract

In international econometric research across 158-countries, unsustainable policies create collapsing economies and dystopic societies reliably – 100% of the time.

Policies that are sustainable, create productivity, which advances economies, and family and national prosperity 100% too, seen here in the Social Contract TEP Proof to the right.

The World at our Hands Report library curates the world’s largest directory of sustainable and causal policy reports similarly.

What about Right and Left Policy? Completely meaningless. When both parties in a two-horse race sponsor unsustainable policy, we collapse, no matter which “side” you might like to choose. Introspect on the insult to your personal IQ the next time you want to slander someone for being Right or Left.

Sustainable Policies are embedded in Constitution by European FDR-democracies; they have six-week vacations minimum, great schools, great healthcare, lower tax than a U.S. private insurance boondoggle, and ALL have advancing economies. The only G7s that have advancing economies, are the FDR-Democracies – Germany, Italy, and Japan – since they had the very good fortune of adding FDR’s Second Bill of Rights to their constitutions after World War II.

Unsustainable Policy can be accommodated, and there is even a benefit to adopting laissez-faire policies when there is a surplus of opportunity in a booming economy, but a laissez-faire approach is not appropriate in mature capitalisms today.

Similar to any Casino or the SaberMetrics approach in the 201 movie MoneyBall, economies can advance reliably when all policies are confirmed to offer even a small mathematical advantage “to the house”.

What are concerns with “Diversity” …

“Diversity” – first off, is an ambiguous term. Ambiguous terms mean something different to everyone who hears them. As such they are undefendable and can also be weaponized. For this reason, it’s always recommended to adhere to Socratic Method’s best practice of i) saying only one thing at a time, and also ii) saying just what you mean.

To prove something is true or false, good or bad, one has to disambiguate the term first.  Depending on the source of “Diversity and Inclusion”, it can include policy discussions of Immigration, Onshoring, Offshoring, Globalization, Racism, Female bias in hiring, lending and grant programs, and also Female Equality and Agism as well. The implementation of Diversity Policy in many countries has included clear racism and sexism in hiring, and has mandated that hiring, lending, and also investment be based on race and gender. Diversity in the form of female equality policy is proven in research to have created no less than thirty serious social problems. See that article here…

SCP Fridge

Looking at the components of this ambiguous term, finds both sustainable and serious social problems are created. Systemic empathy, the Golden Rule, and respect are sustainable policies proven to be eminently sustainable, however, unsustainable and socially irresponsible policies include:

Immigration, onshoring and offshoring: Visiting foreigners, refugees, and students should be afforded every respect and protection, however, current policies of immigration (Canada – is the highest G7 immigrant sponsor per capita for 20-years), onshoring, and hiring immigrants first, drives starvation wages, divorce, and an unemployment hyper-competitive workplace. 

Anti-family-values: include policies like double-income families, Female Equality quotas – either for numbers in the workplace or for salaries. These policies usually drive starvation wages (drive salaries down below the cost of living) in many nations now. Unsustainable Business Practices consider it a benefit to run unsustainable Globalization and Diversity policies, which externalize social costs and broad productivity to also stall economies within just a decade or two. The national economy that businesses relies on, today loses $4 billion dollars every day in Canada and $30 billion daily in the U.S. – completely unreported.

G7 Social Contract Loss

Sustainable Capitalism was probably doomed 10-minutes after accountants realized that by hiring a male at 25 and firing him at 50, they could save $1 million per employee in pension payments. All that they had to do then was to hire by diversity quotas, to offshore and onshore, or to immigrate workers at starvation wage-levels to reduce operating costs dramatically.

In case I explained that too quickly, here’s how it works. Businesses sponsor Female Equality and Diversity non-profit groups, programs, and consultants, as they release male staff (and their family pension commitments) – saving themselves up to $1 million per employee/family. It takes 30+ years for a family pension to retire someone comfortably. A pension is most beneficial in its last 10-years – like a mortgage, and then businesses offer lower wages and lower or no pensions to female and minority/onshored workers under the guise of “Diversity”.

Feminist groups, and clearly university Diversity programs, applaud this social advance and add their votes to “the cause”.

Most Governments ignore the unsophisticated unsustainable business practices and side with feminist lobbies to endorse Diversity whenever it can win them votes or funding.

Unsustainable Policy drives economic stall in any nation. Before COVID, Canada’s growth was forecast at just .1% despite its vast undeveloped resource potential. China is smaller in area, yet its growth is planned at 39%.

Diversity by respect and empathy is sustainable, but Diversity by racism, sexism, ageism, and the exclusion of family values, heads of households, single-income families, living wage policy, and family pensions – is unsustainable as it stalls economies reliably as we see today.

Click here to find WAOH’s explanation of unsustainable Immigration Policies.

Concerns with the term – “Female Equality”

Fertility Rates in the U.S. are 1.8 – and dropping, while sustainable fertility rates are 2.3. In Canada, where Diversity policies are law now, fertility is at a suicidal and plummeting 1.45. China, after 30-years of 1-child family policy, is at 1.4 as well.

This means that Canada will lose 30% of its population, culture and language every 20 years, in a spiraling countdown to extinction. The chart above explains that a Canadian child is forfeited every 53-seconds, 600,000 times a year. and this infanticide is hidden only by the highest per-capita immigration rate in the world – during a mature capitalism, which is policy that collapses any economy also. Add COVID to the mix and you can understand that we’re in a bad way today.

Canada is 138th in suicide and has fallen to the highest male suicide rate in the G7 for the first time in recorded history.

There are thirty significant social problems created by “Female Equity” policy in research – see https://csq1.org/forums/topic/the-gender-inequality-problem-in-canada/

New Zealand was the first nation to permit the female vote and Iceland was the first to elect a female President. Iceland has since had to implement laws to cap female employment at 60% – in offices. Why? Because, perhaps not surprisingly, people hire themselves; men were being denied access to incomes so laws had to be installed to prevent this. Also, females won’t tend to keep a non-contributing husband and second family in many cultures, where a male will consider it his responsibility as the Head of a Household to support his wife’s family.

A women’s single-family lower-salary needs, gave companies who adopted this “Double Income Family” policy, a substantial salary, pension, and insurance-cost reduction (a substantial social cost externalization). Iceland is dying; in culture, people, and language, with a fertility rate of 1.8. Its population of just 338,000 is survived today by immigration which has been a considerable challenge for Icelandic culture and language.

Government and business policy in Canada demands open sexism as it embraces Female Equality programs today. Sexism is encouraged in hiring, and in-home and business lending, economic development investment, and in other programs. Where males are replaced at 50, coincidental ageism has occurred as well.

Politicians are opportunistic – and hope to garner more votes by targeting the country’s largest demographic groups, so male/female, middle incomes, working-class, demographics of common campaign targets.

Businesses are opportunistic – and see a chance to reduce their pension costs by as much as $1 million per employee. The wholesale practice of firing men before they reach prime pension years is the norm in North America today.

Whatever the motive, these changes have had the net effect of reducing fertility rates to 1.5 and falling rapidly – where 2.2 is break-even and 3.0 is healthy and growing. Men have stopped offering marriage, women in their twenties don’t own homes, none have families of their own, nor children. Women can find starvation wage jobs more easily than males – just like in the 1930s – again. Single Family Income Policies were enacted in the 1930s in an effort to recast the obliterated nuclear family and the poverty, starvation, and homelessness that dystopic conditions brought with it.

This birthrate loss to Canada’s population is offset today by unsustainable immigration policies – at rates for which there is insufficient infrastructure. Housing bubbles are run away now in major urban cities, in most towns, and also in rural areas across the country.

To explain the problem with “Inclusion” …

Respect and Empathy – are essential policies in any sustainable society, but Diversity and Inclusion – are provably not. Consider that when a consensus agrees that unsustainable policies are important at Harvard University, Harvard is made cliché, unscientific, and irrelevant. Ignoring experts and science permits a systemic academic mediocrity to emerge.

Remember that hundreds of generations called themselves “modern”, and yet none of those once-great civilizations have survived. Clearly, both the opinion of experts – and the needs of sustainability, must be weighted higher than an inexperienced consensus opinion. I think the statistic that 40% of Americans believe in Angels is appropriate to recall here. Does consensus in thought make a thing “true” or “best” – of course it doesn’t – and it has a very great chance of dumbing-down and embarrassing the group too.


Canada, the United States, and 93% of High-Income nations share a leadership problem today. Men and women are right and left legs – equally indispensable to one another, and only viable by the other as well, yet even here divisism is rampant today. Respect and Empathy – are essential policies in any sustainable society, but Immigration and Diversity is not. No civilization survives without socially-responsible policy similarly.

As an aside, policies that are unsustainable can be accommodated when there is a surplus of opportunity and prosperity in a nation, but that is not the case in a mature capitalism as we see today. This is worth repeating because Mature Capitalisms are expensive, dangerous, and preventable – and we have not prevented one today precisely because we don’t adhere to the sage advice of voting for sustainable policy only.

About the Author:

Edward Tilley is a researcher in the field of Sustainable Societies, and the founder of the econometric science of Transition Economics. Find quantitative metrics for Sustainable and Unsustainable Policy at the World at our Hands Report and a thesis-driven correction for voting irresponsibly at ACT-American.com.

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Is The Bible The Ultimate Financial Guide?

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