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  • #4129


    Want to Leverage your Popularity for good and Save the World ?

    I am writing this on your blog because I think this is a good idea for your show.

    If you are being interviewed on the BBC, ABC, CBC, etc. and your answers to questions about the upcoming elections weren’t as interesting as you might like. There is a solution to voting effectively; and then we all want to see real and positive results in society come from our voting as well.

    First. Democracy has inherent, manageable flaws but it is also important; revolution simply sets the stage for the next time inequity hits us (which has been every 60 years for the past 3500 years basically – just like in the game of monopoly). Instead, teach kids a Civics course that instructs them in high-school to manage capitalism & democracy ( – so that they, and we parents too, can vote for Wealth Distribution, and other important policies as per the list here at…

    Perhaps a monthly Federal “WP-TV Policy Night” show becomes the country’s next “Monday Night Football” TV program event – hosted by “Your Name Here”, or perhaps the program gets picked up as just a Pilot. Policies are important – leadership elections are only useful when leaders fulfill their promises… Voting IS the key to successful democracies and its something that you need to understand how to allow yourself to do – and explain academically. There is a solution, so solve it.

    Second, the importance of money today will vanish naturally once our basic needs are automated – or covered by healthcare, guaranteed incomes, pensions, childcare, etc. So, vote for and build the social projects and the engineering projects that automate food, water, shelter, clothing, energy, transportation, etc. with priority – in the same way that Audi builds driverless cars without a single human in the mix. This will mean that the role of money, rent, and other needs will continue to reduce to zero as we Transition to an Automated Economy and Society. Make sure you mention that robots are building robots – so that they can scalably roll out to solve the other 80% of the planet that needs to wipe out Extreme Poverty too.

    —– Perhaps another way to be introduced to an election question is ——–

    I noticed that this theme of voting “effectiveness” comes up in several places – Russell Brand is quite convinced that voting doesn’t work for example. He’s not wrong; but revolution doesn’t work either – capitalism troughs every 60 years and that model would bring an avoidable revolution too often; lets simply fix the voting system.

    Why is voting important? Because democratic countries do not wage war against other democratic countries – ever. Why is democracy troublesome? Because democracy tends to stick with status quo and to protect what the individual voter already has or what they already know – even if that vote diminishes the country.

    For example: Poland is the longest running pure democracy in the world; in 400 years their country shrunk to one-sixth its original size and was easily defeated and its citizens victimized with the largest % casualties per any population in the second world war. This result following 400 years of deal-making and concessions by voting lords.

    Voting is only effective if you know what to vote for 1) and 2) we probably don’t vote often enough. To understand the second point, we vote for an individual once every four years but they in turn are going to be asked to vote for many policies monthly and politicians sometimes do not honour election promises with their vote. With today’s technology – probably for the first time in history, we might be able to ask the entire country to get together weekly or monthly, and vote for specific policies. We could vote every episode and redefine democracy in that way.

    Either way, there is great onice in a democracy to ensure that policy makers both left and right, create policy that manage the country well – in finance, security, and in every other point.

    To understand what are the important policies for any government to protect, click here

    Hope this helps – keep up the good work –

    Edward Tilley

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