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Vote ACT

twitter-birdACT Great Britain is the United Kingdom’s Chapter in an international thesis-driven democratic political party concept – called the ACT Party.

FDR created the strongest social contract and economy the world has ever seen, and he did it in a mature capitalism very like today’s. You can’t vote for these policies – no political party supports them today

Check out ACT American and ACT Canadian too

The ACT Concept ensures that everyone has the option to vote for a properly researched “Right Plan” of Sustainable Government Policy and Industry, proven to create economic prosperity – in every country

 Twitter #ACTP#ACTcdn#ACTusa#ACTgb#ACTfra#ACTita

Inequity is Expensive

Britains lose $2.7 trillion dollars a year, $7.6 billion a day to their crumbling social contracts; it costs $4 for every dollar not invested in a strong Social Contract 


Many Britains live as “boiled frogs” today; in a world made uncomfortable so slowly that we can’t recall what a proper standard of living looked like. Too few young adults will ever own a home, find a good job and pension, get a degree; our men often cannot secure a family pension, and females can’t start families after men have stopped promising marriage

Our Constitutions don’t assure a Social Contract, and our democracies have grown too large for old rules to protect freedoms in mature capitalisms. A failing Social Contract costs culture, trillions of dollars in in trade, and our humanity

Stop waiting for a multi-billion-dollar ad campaign to change your vote

If Labour, Unionist or Conservative Parties could make a difference, they would have by now.

Great Britain is fortunate to see first-hand the successful strong social-contract-led turnarounds in Ireland and Scotland, and now it’s Britain’s turn


The policies that you vote for in Federal, Provincial, and Municipal elections, determine whether your economy will be weak or strong entirely. Policies in Housing, Foreign Policy, Social Contract, Education, Pensions, Social Security, on and on, determine whether your economic will advance or if it will trend toward collapse.

In democracies, voters must be able to rely upon their training in both civics - and in context too - in order to understand is the information that we are seeing important or not.

When we don't know what to stand for, we can fall for anything. Political opportunists can rely upon our confusion to topple economies and social contracts when we don't know enough to vote for sustainable policies only.

To determine if a policy is important and sustainable, we need to understand three things:

  1. Credible Measures - We must be certain that the measures we are asked to understand are credible. Is there transparent proof supporting that a policy works elsewhere as advertised? TE's World at our Hands Report is a repository of validated international surveys on policies common to hundreds of countries. For example:
    Is "Conservative" or "Liberal" important? No - "Sustainable" or "Unsustainable" is important - and these old terms are deprecated, recognized to be misleading and irrelevant, and are removed now in new EconoMetric sciences like Transition Economics. Let's look at a few more examples:
    Is Debt important? Not as much as Social Contract; you want to ensure that your economic "pie" is growing before working to reduce debt - and debt was forgiven in every European nation during our last mature capitalism. Is Immigration important? Yes, it needs to stop in mature capitalisms. Is Export and Trade Balance important? Yes - very. Is nationalism and culture important? Yes. Is Diversity important? In research, diversity is socially irresponsible onshoring, offshoring, and double income traps. Is education important? Yes. Is Mr. Trump's wall important? On rare occasions only - and, it is important to help neighbors to become self-sufficient and prosperous too. What about those other news discussions of Russian collusion and emails? This is "Drama" that sells newpapers and TV advertising - and does not yield any economic benefit. Guns, Middle Income, Socialism, Female Equality (Double Income Traps)? - amount to serpentine "political opportunism" aimed at cajoling the vote of large demographics. Don't fall for it by giving your vote to politicians who don't represent sustainable policy.
  2. Recent Data -
    Wealth Inequity

    Wealth Inequity - Causal

    Income Equality

    Access to Income - Causal

    Data used to support discussion must be current and accurate. It's not unusual to see 2010 data explaining wealth and income inequity values on Canada's government websites. Income Inequality has dropped dramatically in Canada since 2010 - from .32 to .38. That's a very large drop and a worrisome imbalance as you can see in these TEP Charts to the right.

  3. Comparisons to successful nations only - We should be able to easily compare this information to successful economies. A comparison to a collapse-trending economy, or to nations with riots in the streets and decaying social contracts, is misleading - as it lures voters into believing that they have no problems when clearly they do have a problem. The first step in resolving any problem is recognizing that you have one. Once a problem is recognized, a credible government commits to resolving it quickly.

The spending of billions-of-dollars in election advertising-campaigns - must have a return on investment. Low Tax, Death Tax, Small Government, Open Markets - are all proven-harmful policies that ensure 95% of all income gains since 2008 have gone to the top-1% rich. This also resulting in national debts soaring and social contracts crumbling - which costs $37 billion dollars a day in lost national revenue in the U.S. today, and Americans were not the only ones impacted. Canadians lose $4.2 billion per day and France and Britain each lose $7.5 billion per day.

Oligarchs saw a great Return on Investment for their campaign spending; and, of course, the rich live well in any economy, but theses campaigns stalled economies and created real impacts and hardships for the 99% of middle income and poor - in 68% of nations internationally during this monetary system cycle's "turn".


Salaries Imbalance

Household Incomes Fall

Household Incomes Fall

The GDP Report was designed first in 1652 - to never show a problem. It is always positive, even if increases are the result of inflation alone, and it completely ignores expensive social contract loss and even shows benefit from housing bubbles, rent and mortgage poverty, and dozens of other important lost freedoms in society. In a monetary system, "freedom" is the gap between Salaries and Cost of Living (CoL). When salaries only afford Cost of Living, freedom is lost - and when salaries fall below COL, social contract is lost and that is a very expensive problem for everyone. The SCP Report explains these losses.

Why do you think politicians only show you their performance in GDP Reports? Especially at re-election times. Because it reinforces that everything is fine - and that there are no problems. Obviously this means that they are doing a great job of leading the country so you should re-elect them.

See a long list of international research Policy-by-Policy at http://transitioneconomics.info - in TEP charts and other relevant survey infographics.

Credible Measures also includes context in history, because all of these social problems that we are seeing today, are absolutely normal to a mature capitalism. FDR managed his mature capitalism against constant conservative obstructions to build the American Dream and the greatest economy of all time.

How do we know Truth when we see it?

Believe everything you see (or can prove correct), believe half of what you read or see on the news, and believe nothing you are asked to hear only

Edgar Alan Poe, but abridged by my father Edward Michael Tilley, Senior

Proven Policies

FDR (Franklin Delano Roosevelt - U.S. President 1933 to 1945) created the American Dream and the greatest economy of all time, in a mature capitalism like today's, with the following now-proven turn-around policies:

  1. Nationalism - prefer culture and drastically reduce immigration - no onshoring; no offshoring
  2. Social Contract - his Second Bill of Rights went on to become the U.N.'s Univeral Rights Declaration, guarantees in our basic needs of food, housing, education, security, incomes, basic goods & healthcare. The cost of these social contracts can be reduced through Public Utilities
  3. Full-Employment - business rewards for externalizing social costs must be reversed
  4. Empathy - these first three policies above turned around Germany's economy in the 1930s; and then a systematic failing of empathy undid any good there. Debt forgiveness, COL corrections, mortgage walk-away laws, and many of the suggestions made in bibles work too (see Leviticus 25:26).
  5. Affordable Home Ownership - one of our most powerful forms of savings. Many Asian and Hispanic nations failed to create strong titling systems, and capitalism here never contributed to the economy as it did in the American Dream economy.
  6. Low Cost of Living
  7. Income and Wealth Distribution - FDR administered a 20-year program of 92% income tax and 80% estate tax for the rich
  8. Debt Forgiveness - permitted citizens to walk away from unresolvable debt and also insolvent mortgages. And it also wrote down the national debts of most countries in Europe
  9. Single Income Families - salaries must be higher than cost-of-living (usable money is "Freedom" in a monetary system). One income afforded a husband's family, and a wife's family's needs too. Men who weren't married, and not "Heads of Households", could not ascend to senior jobs in business nor in government

These policies were rolled out in the Marshall Plan to many starving European nations after World War II. Countries including Italy, Japan, and Germany lost the war, but won the peace. Why? Because these are the only G7 nations with advancing economies still today. The average paid vacation days in these countries is six weeks with full healthcare, daycare, pensions, low or no university tuitions, tax rates comparable to the U.S. (before private insurance costs), and strong social contracts and freedoms.

But you can't vote for these policies today - because no party offers them - until ACT Parties can emerge. Half of these policies used to be called Conservative - and the other half Liberal.

The Republican Party in the United States started a very questionable practice in the 1980s, when they set up marketing test-centers for political messages. Watch the recent movie "Vice" to see how these "think-tanks" (in name only) worked

The policy called "Low-Tax" tested very well in surveys, and was never explained to voters as a clear benefit for the rich. Low-Tax stalled economies as it heaped debt onto taxpayers who were the least able to afford this debt too

Unsustainable "Low-Tax" policy is alive and well 30-years later and voters are still easily mislead by predatory political parties - and their wealthy campaign sponsors. "Low-tax" is also called trickle down, scale-up investment, wealth creation, equality of opportunity, Reaganomics, Thatcherism and more.

"Estate Tax" - became "Death Tax" and helped wealthy Republican campaign sponsors, reduce 80% wealth distribution taxes by more than half.

"Diversity" and "Gender Equality" policies sound like they are defending women and minorities or immigrants. In fact they work against culture, family pensions, family values, sustainable birthrates, divorce, and a long list of our most serious social problems. Male salaries afford the needs of two families where female salaries afford one, and Canada has had equality of opportunity for a long time, far more than in less-developed nations.

"Middle Class", similar to low-tax, amounts to a vote-grab targeting largest demographic, abandoning the poor minority's needs. Voting like a "mob" incites revolutions.

When you vote for unsustainable policy, your economy reaps what you sew and it worsens.

Economics is not a science today, which is why CSQ Research had to create a brand new science before a solution to mature capitalisms could be confirmed through Scientific Method and observation.

Transition Economics surveys compare the same policies in 220-nations and then presents this information transparently in Proofs and Maturity Model Charts that explain which policies and social measures are proven to work in advancing economies.

Not to worry though, by the directions laid down by Sir Isaac Newton:

“Truth is ever to be found in simplicity, and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things.”

Isaac Newton, Physics & Co-Founder of Calculus

There are twenty social measures that impact an economy - from most to least - as documented in End of War's The World at our Hands report and TEP Flashcards. By targeting improvements in the most important KPIs - like export per capita, GINI, and social contracts, your economy has a much higher probability to improve.

Social Contract

Social Contracts are Aristotle's Good Lives or our "American Dream" where everyone has the freedom to find the things they need - if not the things they want too.

Large Democracies have the most difficult time ensuring a Social Contract as monetary systems mature. Large economies are diverse with many industries so when unsustainable policies are imposed, they are not voted out quickly because only a minority of the economy is impacted.

Aristotle described democracy as "the mob" and an evil form of government because the needs of minorities are often ignored. For this reason, all democracies have a charter of rights.

When Bills of Rights do not explicitly include a Social Contract's rights of food, housing, healthcare, education, security and other essentials of life, our economies will stall and hardship, social problems, revolutions, and wars have always resulted.

FDR realized this when he called for a Second Bill of Rights in 1944. Click on the Youtube video of his speech here, because this is exactly how he built the American Dream.

Read more about essential Social Contracts at http://csq1.org/SCP - and share this #SocialContract message on social media whenever you can.

GDP hides the very high costs of crumbling Social Contracts. The United States loses $37 billion per day; Canada loses $4.2 billion, and France and Britain lose $7.5 billion daily to their eroded Social Contract. Click here to read an explanation...

Right Plans

What are Right Plans?

"Great philosophy is great leadership; and great leaders are great philosophers"


History - records great events; Philosophy - captures great thought-leadership – as presented by Socrates, Buddha, Alexander the Great, Marcus Aurelius, Aristotle, Sun Tzu, Hammurabi, Saladin, Queen Elizabeth I, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Ghandi, John Kennedy, and other legendary thought leaders

The Golden Rule and the Ten Commandments are other examples of important Philosophy that were later adopted by every religion in history

In Politic (322 BC), Aristotle noted:

“a meaningful life is one spent building Worthwhile Projects by a Right Plan that supports a sustainable community and Good Lives"

Right Plans, therefore, are great thinking in national strategic plans, which have two parts:

Worthwhile Projects

Engineering projects that make self-sufficient, and ensure a positive balance of trade, for all primary and secondary industries within an economy.

Sustainable Policy

Economies are made strong or weak by government policy entirely - and, strong social contract nations have advancing economies consistently

Our Monetary System Problems need to be addressed

Monetary systems have cycles, and they have lifespans too. If you give a country’s citizens one-million dollars each, sixty years later you will see gross inequity. This is how successful capitalism is designed to work.

The end of a monetary system cycle can be called a Mature Monetary System, a Mature Capitalism, Late Capitalism, or a Great Depression. Depressions are called by several names in history - the Great Recession, a Great Depression (1930 and 1837), Panics, the General Crisis (1640), and even Longwave Winters - as we see in this Transition Economics chart.

Today’s World GDP is fifty-nine-times the GDP in 1960. Today, therefore, a 1% inflation rate amounts to a 60-times increase in cost-of-living and spending (by 1960’s measures). Why is there such a large increase? Compounding annual inflations are the GDP growth calculated since last year's GDP, which also includes all of the accumulated inflations of previous periods. 1% to 10% inflation rates annually have compounded for 60-years by now (since the start of our current monetary system cycle). A large logarithmic increase in monetary transactions like this guarantees that monetary systems are not sustainable without either i) on-going balancing – or ii) a “Reset”. These controls are studied in Transition Economics.

Consider that “Freedom or Liberty in a monetary system, can be measured as the difference between reliable incomes and cost-of-living”. If the ratio between reliable incomes and cost-of-living narrows for all over time, many of our freedoms will be lost - because we cannot acquire them lawfully. At the point that our reliable incomes do not meet our basic needs - or basic costs-of-living, our Social Contracts (basics of food, shelter, healthcare, education, etc) will be lost as well.

Today’s record-high wars, international debt, populisms, economic recessions, hardship, low-savings and extremism – are normal. 68% of economies worldwide today are collapse-trending with negative trade balances and lower export-per-capita revenues. This means that they are not being properly managed by their governments, and once again, this is also normal.

In fact, this perfectly normal cycle has repeated dozens of times in written record – one of the earliest recordings was in 1763 BCE on the Code of Hammurabi.

Can Monetary System Cycles be managed?

Yes; monetary system cycles are manageable in two ways:

a) Governments can actively ensure that the ratio (balance) between reliable salaries and cost-of-living, stays in-balance every year. This is similar to CPI (Consumer Price Index) corrections – but a little more sweeping …

b) Governments can simply allow open markets to unbalance themselves – and then, when social hardships become too great, (governments) can reset the monetary system cycle to a new balance and a new cycle again.

The Code of Hammurabi and the Bible/Torah (Leviticus 25-26) suggested this second option at a time when monarchs had the authority to make these sweeping resets easily. A fiftieth-year Jubilee Year (a “Reset”) was suggested to pre-empt the hardships of a mature cycle. Resets here included: Universal Debt forgiveness, wealth redistributions, and basically a concerted effort to reset the American Dream conditions that we see at the beginning of any new cycle.

This will sound pretty intuitive and even obvious to most of us I think.

To explain how we can also confirm this empirically today, let us begin with the report on our left. The late Professor Richard Wilkenson’s students from Edinburgh University, Scotland, composed this TED Talk slide in 2011. It compares thirteen social problem statistics in twenty countries.

Scotland and Ireland have seen a tremendous turnaround in both social contract and economic prosperity since 2005, despite a global recession which still has a strong hold on Britain’s Social Contract and economy. The turnaround can be directly attributed to the efforts of Dr. Wilkenson and like-minded academics and policy-makers in Scotland who modeled the importance of Social Contract policies that reset their economies. New Zealand, Germany, and Italy have watched these successes and are now positioning themselves to benefit similarly.

Our Bibles and the Code of Hammurabi described examples of administrative solutions to manage these resets too. From Leviticus 25-26 for example:

“25:10 Consecrate the fiftieth Jubilee Year and proclaim liberty throughout the land… 35. If any of your fellows become poor and are unable to support themselves among you, help them as you would a foreigner and stranger, so they can continue to live among you. 36 Do not take interest or any profit from them … so that they may continue to live among you. 37 You must not lend them money at interest or sell them food at a profit.”

Clearly our contemporary society is not the first to recognize that monetary systems have a lifespan.

The ACT Party concept is an important part of the solution to managing this holy grail of macroeconomic solutions. Why?

ACT Parties allow you to vote, with confidence that only policy proven to increase the probability of sustainable societies and prosperous economies - in scientific Transition Economics - can be permitted.

ACT Parties are a little like Index Funds; the strategy works reliably over time without drama.

Monetary systems are important and must be managed better

Monetary Systems are important - and so is Capitalism - but the value of both is undermined when managed improperly. Unmanaged and unbalanced monetary systems are the very dangerous and costly problem that resulted in 120 million deaths in World Wars I & II. GDP Reports are preferred by politicians because they are NEVER negative - but without recognizing problems, no solutions can be acknowledged and then corrected. This is why The SCP Report is the more important monitor in late-cycle mature capitalisms.

Globally, large democracies will be hardest hit by unsustainable policy. This is because voters are a) untrained in their duty to rebalance monetary systems to their original ratios, and b) large economies are diverse and the majority ignore the needs of the minority easily. Special interests who act selfishly and in their own interest, can also have the means to spend billions of dollars promoting decision-making opposite to proper leadership and strategic planning.

As populations lose freedoms and then social contracts too, people and then economies - become unproductive until economies stall.

Any monetary system must afford our cost of living or that country fails. America loses $37 billion per day to its failed monetary system; Canada loses $4.2 billion per day - see the SCP Report for your country here.

Government policy and laws determine monetary system balance and imbalance entirely, so ACT can correct these problems just your vote.

Twenty to thirty years from now, we will have automated the manufacture and delivery of most things. At that point, we can begin to phase out money gradually - as we choose, but until that time we need to manage Monetary Systems better.


We are one country in 220 sovereign nations that inhabit the same planet. There is much to be learned from the successes of other nations.

There are no housing bubbles in the Netherlands, 90% can live in rent capped communities of no more than 770 euros per month, the Dutch have the highest savings rates in Europe, and young people find good jobs and opportunity here easily. 28% of 220 nations internationally manage debt, trade balances, and ensure Good Lives for their citizens too. Norway was interventionist with business – and now they are among 5% of nations that live the American Dream – and business has never been better! Japan – had two gun deaths last year

A Right Plan – is a strategic plan of economic injectors and supporting government policy. ACT Right Plans are based in Transition Economics method and solid business-case-driven planning. Only policy that is empirically proven to advance economies and build Good Lives in elsewhere are permitted by ACT Parties - Left and Right

Your vote for ACT is all that is needed to restore long-term strategic planning, and the American Dream, to any country - in your Federal, State, Regional and Municipal Government elections today. Make your vote count and make a difference by signing on with a local ACT Party Chapter

Reform Democracy to Insist upon Sustainable Policy

Incorruptibility was the primary benefit of an accountable Monarchy-led Parliamentary system of Government. Democratic Election policies, unfortunately, can be quite a bit more corrupt, difficult to improve, and worse, our present four-year "say whatever you have to say to win" practices also make it fairly impossible to plan strategically as a nation.

Corrupt Policy here, means two things - corrupt policy can either benefit a minority at the expense of all; or, policy is corrupt - as in incompetent. Incompetent Policy are policies and laws that are not properly researched nor grounded in pragmatic Business Case method with researched track-records. There are 180 countries that run Policy, if you imagine that any policy has never been tried before and has no track-record, you're almost certainly mistaken. "Guess work" is unacceptable in a modern era where this data can be found, and ACT Policy insists that a track-record of stats be posted transparently so that other teams can learn on-going. We review every law in four-year turns, and sooner if monitored KPIs are being missed. If policy and investments improve Export-per-Capita, Debt and Opportunity that support Good Lives - they stay.

Today's Political Parties might get lucky and copy a sustainable policy now-and-again, but it's hit and miss at best (especially within larger-population countries). Today's approach also ignores when No Party offers researched and responsible policy too - and this drives-down voter participation. A responsible vote is one which is certain that every policy has a track-record that is proven to create prosperity and good lives - without exception.

None of this rigour is required today; and this underlying shortcoming has already created a 20+-year track-record of Economic Collapse-trending in the U.K., Canada, the U.S, and 72% of other democratic nations internationally.

ACT reforms Democratic Process so that unsustainable chestnuts like "Open Policies"Immigration, Diversity, Gender Equality - and other emotionally intriguing pseudo-policy - cannot distract from meaningful policy and laws which are proven to build Freedom, Prosperous Economies, Opportunity and Self-Sufficiency.

Why is Democratic Reform Important? To give our country a Long-term Strategic Plan - as needed to rebuild prosperity once again. Emotionally we want Green; but is it reasonable to expect that Oil will vanish when families depend on these steady good jobs? No - of course it's not. Responsible Transitions need supports in incomes, public insurance, pensions, healthcare and education first - so that we can switch to clean and economically beneficial alternative industries. Without these supports, we are lying to our kids when we tell them that we are not only about status quo.

The policy-making problem: today, every member of a political party in America can vote to create policy. It doesn't matter whether these people are career politicians, non-expert volunteers, marketing leads, or conflict-of-interest individuals. Non-experts directly over-rule expert policy-makers easily and then electoral marketing teams change policy again based on what they think "can win" elections. Are issues like Middle Class, Female Equality, and Diversity important election issues? Emotionally you might feel yourself respond to them, but these are all points that are resolved easily once a strong economy and personal freedoms are restored. Simply put, these symptoms - are cured - by a very different, very professional set of policies and projects.

Sustainable Policy builds economic injectors (with targets that have GDP Export-per-capita and self-sufficiency monitors), education, onshored employment and investment, anti-usury and anti-bubble laws, and they dissuade commodity products which are not manufactured nor owned locally. All Policy - must be presented in Business Cases for short-term, mid-term, and long-term, with proven track records in other advancing-economy nations. A comprehensive national "Right Plan" example is shown below.

In History: A Monarch - with his/her expert advisory committee(s) set Strategic Direction for a Nation in 10-to-30+ year timelines (reigns). Parliaments on the Right of the King argued for a Conservative approach to this planning; where Left-sitting Lords argued a more expensive and feature-rich liberal approach. Both left and right worked toward an expert plan of responsible strategic objectives.

Today: Politicians and marketing teams sponsor emotional favourites that can get them voted into power. Simple majority governs - regardless of whether a policy is proven Economically harmful - or helpful. Spending is routinely announced without also announcing targeted return on the investment (ROI).

What happens if we do nothing; accept our status-quo? Poland is the world's longest-running true-democracy. In 400-years, a simple majority vote took the country from a super-power nation that was six-times its modern-day size, to near-obliteration in World War II. Collapse is inevitable in a pure Democracy - just as it is in Pure Capitalism; the only mitigations are to i) train all voters to be sustainable policy experts in high-school or 2) insist that an experts-only panel create proven-sustainable strategic policy.

How does the "ACT American" Party change Democracy?

    • A Right Plan of Policies are tabled by expert researchers; these policies are then ratified (agreed to and followed) by all parties
    • Right and Left parties approach strategic plans from a more Conservative or Liberal tact, but both sides are always supporting a sustainable ratified Right Plan
    • Policies are proven to restore a Good Life in advancing economies in other countries consistently
    • Policies are backed up by business cases; so that spending has an expectation of return; with monitoring
    • Short, mid, and long-term cost, benefit & impacts are understood, measured during policy operation, and adjusted if targets are missed
  • Will this require a change in constitution? Laws should be revisited regularly; just as in software change controls. When the economy is failing; status quo become an direct line to a cliff.

"Open" Finance is Bad Policy

Strong Mature Financial Industries are both essential and proven to damage economies without guidelines. Through Open Policies in Usury - in Mortgage and other, Private Insurance systems, Foreign Investment and failings in domestic investment, bubbles in Real Estate and Stocks - Financial Industries are academically proven to damage economies consistently.

Development is Built

Scalable self-reliance automation projects that reduce cost-of-living and imports while improving exports - are critical Economic Injectors

Worthwhile Ventures Logo DeliveryBots GoodBots RoboRoads DotDomo2 FoodBots PharmaBots MiningBots Cirenergy2 GroundBots wpprojects

Inequity is Expensive

Income NeedsIn any discussion of an Economy, it's important to realize: Who is paying the bills? We all are. Inequity costs $4 for every dollar spent to maintain it. We can have performance bonuses and rich people, but when a large percentage of citizens do not have the ability to produce export wealth for a country, it costs economies trillions of dollars annually. Read more at Support the 49% for Prosperity.


Right Plans

The difference between Automation in 1960 and 2060 will be enormous. Hanna-Barbera guessed that the Jetsons (which was set in 1995 by the way) would have 3-hour workdays and 2-day work-weeks - in an idyllic futuristic setting without fossil fuels, without overcrowding, etc. Consider that to get us from today's policies and thinking - to that level of change, we are going to have to: uncouple incomes, healthcare, insurance, and pensions from sometimes-unavailable jobs, economies will have to depart from status quo trade deficits; and we must uncouple incomes from traditional jobs - so that automation can do the repetitive labour for us and we can be productive in engineering, music, art, and other ways. Anti-eviction Policies and Guaranteed Incomes must protect homeowners from the rise and fall of interest rates in changing job markets and automated communities must reduce our cost-of-living to enable much smaller pension incomes to meet our needs in retirement.

Smaller-population countries realized the importance of making socially-responsible, sustainable decisions in national policy quickly because a nation of just 5-million people quickly felt the impact of their neighbours losing incomes whenever engineering jobs were off-shored - or whenever the country's resources were mismanaged. In a much larger population country, the impacts were hidden as individuals could be absorbed by other industries - for a while. Today we see that the time for unsustainable policy is running out as federal and state economies - and large democracies globally - are faltering today.

A Right Plan Example

TE-Mature Policy

see #TEMature on Twitter

  • Improve Exports
  • Improve Self-Sufficiency
  • Reset Incomes & Spending Power
    • Correct Bubbles
    • Inequity cost:benefit is 4:1

Worthwhile Projects




Interest Rates on the Rise

Interest Rates are rising after unsustainable low-interest rates failed to stimulate the economic corrections as hoped.

Why are Interest Rates of "life and death" importance? Inequity wasn't corrected after 2008, usury and foreign investment-created housing bubbles - and income interruptions were permitted, so economies could not Reset and living conditions became much worse for many in the G20. Spain is one of the worst examples of unsustainable housing and mortgage policy - but not an unusual case either. In Spain, as in most other countries, homelessness rates are soaring (400 people per week since 2013). At the same time, more homes sit empty than there are homeless families. 5% to 10% of these new-homeless will commit suicide and in Canada, fifty age-50 men commit suicide every week. Suicide statistics are up 50% since 2016 in Canada and Britain finds itself in a similar situation. Its a life and death problem created by failed access to incomes and crumbling social contracts

Solutions exist of course. Anti-eviction, Anti-Usury and variable Public Housing Ownership Policies can manage people who lose their homes to interest rate increases. Rental markets too need solutions in policy, as they have soared 50% higher in recent years. Individuals who experience unemployment income interruptions will be hit hard and fast by insufficient social-welfare safety nets and runaway housing bubbles

"Open" Business is Bad Policy

Tax Evasion/Avoidance, Offshoring, Low Tax/Trickle-down, Foreign Ownership - are all policies proven to damage economies empirically. Norway has one of the strongest economies on the planet (per capita) at the same time that its people live the American Dream and lead the world in Battery-Car Ownership - and it got this way by being interventionist. Today, both businesses and citizens prosper because of these interventions

In our 4000-year capitalist economic historical record, business has never been documented to be able to self-regulate themselves in a socially responsible way. Shareholder profit expectations continue within a system that is designed to be completely oblivious to any social harms created- until a country literally collapses and the investment must be written off entirely. Short-sighted, quarterly profit focus often dominate major businesses for years at a time and if these practices are left unchecked by governments, they can easily create a dark-ages economy that will perpetuate for decades - or until revolutions restore opportunity forcefully

The US Republican House Speaker is a high-IQ and well-spoken individual; so too were several serial killers. His earnest, articulate explanation of "research-proven" Low-tax Policy - unknown to him perhaps, is a fabrication - a fiction. Low-Tax is well-proven to result in economic collapse, inequity, and the loss of the American Dream for as many as 100-million Americans - and the same can be said in Britain and Canada today too. Yet, he asks us to believe what he believes - and to vote for him because your whole family, company or state votes Republican - and you're not a Libtard (or similar derivation may be employed) after-all

What can we do? For starters, "Libtard", etc., is not a thing; so remove any emotional attachment to the nonsense that electoral marketing-teams have crafted in recent years. Lives are on the line, so take your vote seriously. Ask him to post his third-party validated research - with data, sources and reviewed conclusions - for every policy and not just this one. Realize that you owe it to a lot of fallen soldiers and countrymen to never trust parties that do not have a credible business-case for every Policy and Planning that impacts your family and community. There is no need of an opportunistic vote-grabbing emotionally-appealing approach that in-reality benefits few and harms many; and there is no room for guess-work as economies and democracies are feeling the strain worldwide in the "Terror" reports that we must all be concerned about today

 In the News

Check out Economic and Innovation News at WP-TV


Retired citizens, aged 60 and above, can look back on a relatively easier life; having enjoyed easy access to home-ownership, jobs, single family incomes, pensions and so on.

For Millenials, the odds seem insurmountable by comparison - and our failure to provide opportunity and freedoms is a serious problem today. Mental illness statistics in the news are entirely related to economic stress


What is Freedom? Freedom - is a 20-year-old man or woman who can support a family and children – while still attending higher education from their own home. Freedom is not living with concerns like working and saving for years, before you can pay off student loans and then work to afford a starter home in your mid-thirties. At this point, you can marry and start having kids at forty in hopes that you won't be among that 50+% of couples that divorce and that you are not fired at age forty-five to fifty from your career. That's a boiled frog; and for many people, it's reality, madness, and clearly not - freedom

Freedom lets families live close to each other - if they wish – so that they can help younger and older generations to support one another

Women - can work, or raise their children - or care for loved ones when they wish

"Respect for one another" is a basic marital underpinning that ensures strong families, homes, and sufficient pension incomes society-wide. Divorce - drives poverty and is harmful in every aspect of our society. "Let no man put asunder" was great philosophy, and not just a nice-to-have option - as it turns out.

Fathers are not bound to office cubicles and three-hour daily commutes; while resulting worthwhile engineering, medical, and community automation can benefit everyone

A rewarding life of art, science, discovery, adventure, travel, acknowledgement and rewarded contribution - while building worthwhile projects, Engineering Safety Nets, and Economy-Assisting Innovation, must be available widely. The Dutch have export-per-capita productivity three-times that of a Canadian and six-times that of an American

We are:

A party of leaders committed to responsible and reliable government. We're not politicians - no-one is selling anything here - and you won't hear meaningless buzzwords like Middle Class and Diversity either. Instead, we are economic scientists, engineers, and authors; experts and researchers - in sustainable government policy, democracy, and sustainable societies.  We work to avert inevitable violent revolutions by making peaceful revolution possible (JFK). Consider:
  • If you believe that our younger generations are going to rent shabby flats within housing bubbles without ever having the opportunity to own a home, have pensions, dental benefits, or the education they wish, nor the opportunity to raise families - think again
  • We are not Liberal, not Conservative; we forward only policy and planning proven to create an advancing economy. We explain our research in Proofs taken from comparisons with 220 countries internationally, and we don't spend - but rather invest through business-cases transparently
It's a much less dramatic, and much more professional and productive approach to running a democratic nation

Important Tenets

  • Economies must Monetize (similar to China & Germany); so we must maximize exports with a laser-focus on increasing our exports-per-capita statistic, and
  • We need to be self-sufficient in order to reduce imports; so we invest in EconomyTech and a national Worthwhile Campus of Public Utilities
  • Good Lives need abundance, prosperity, technical leadership, opportunity, and freedoms
  • Scarcity, conservation, and inequity is the economy of the 1000-year-unproductive dark ages & middle ages
  • Accept data without fear; if Socialistic Policy nations are Advancing 95% while Capitalistic Policy nations are 40%, ignore a lifetime of bad programming
  • Transition Economics explains that inequity has a 4:1 Cost:Benefit that must be addressed actively in Depression Cycles like today; countries that have done this already, still live a Good Life (the American Dream) today...
See Transition Economics and Maturity Models...

Bubbles are Bad Policy

There is no Energy Poverty nor Housing Bubbles in Denmark, Holland nor Norway. Why is this? The reason is that these small-population countries quickly saw the social and economic impact of permitting foreign investment or irresponsible cost overrun programs, so "Open" laws were quickly voted-out to protect citizens

Energy Poverty


Housing Bubbles


Diversity & Immigration vs Culture



The stats say it all: in a study of G20 countries over the last 25-years, countries that permitted large immigration waves have failing economies today. And, those that permitted little or no immigration, have advancing economies (see Immigration). Canada did not distribute entrants once they entered the country, so populations of 2-million grew to 8-million - with zero new infrastructure as well. Canadian Culture was forfeit in these centers and Canadians became a clear and even discriminated-against minority.

And what of Diversity among the genders? As the economy failed, unemployment rates increased and housing bubbles created cost-of-living stresses which also created double-income traps and high-divorce rates. Women who preferred to raise families had little option and replaced more-expensive men in the workforce which forfeited their family pensions.

Diversity and immigration are policies with track-records proven to harm society; Culture is proven correct Policy

Get Involved!

Policies that build a good life are spread across Federal, Provincial/State, Regional and Municipal Government jurisdictions - and elections. Senators - provide an oversight that ensures that all needs of a Good Life are met countrywide, without gaps and across all of these jurisdictions.

Look for CSQ Certifications before you vote - its the safest way to ensure your vote is building a sustainable society

AND - Register to lead a local Regional ACT Party Chapter today

Are you interested to lead in public office as well? Please indicate this in the following questionnaire

Local Values


Great Britains take great pride in our history and values; we look out for one another; we protect our neighbours with the world’s leading healthcare, and we welcome immigrants to the extent that our economy can permit

Family, Freedom, Love of the Land, Community, and hard work that yields well-deserved Prosperity and Abundance from our well-educated and decent, honourable people

Culture is enormously important to any country, and we are staunchly proud of our legacy

  Britain has historically lead other G7 nations in regards to the UN’s Global Goals and Human Rights; but in recent years its has been cited for its cost-of-living, housing record, and flagging support programs that are not keeping-up with dramatic cost-of-living increases:


Leadership Teams

Philosophers, Engineers, Experts in Science, Medicine, Finance, Law, and Business. Read all about us here – and contact us to add your name to the list … reach out to [email protected]

Impact Investing

Finance Industries are proven to damage economies 72% worldwide; it’s proven empirically. Financial Sectors damage country economies most reliably – through “Open”  Government Policies; policies that permit Offshoring, Tax Evasion/Avoidance in Major Institutions, Usury (lending that can never be repaid), or failures to invest in local EconomyTech companies. Financial companies create a Chicken-and-Egg void through unsustainable Risk Mitigation Strategies as well.

A financial community that causes a democracy to falter is unsustainable, so monitoring and controls are needed when finance isn’t sustaining its own nation voluntarily. Great Britain’s Investments must contribute to building Good Lives, families, and communities at home – in order to be considered sustainable. Read a fuller explanation here.

Consider also that building infrastructure is a tactical, non-renewable “spend” that we will have to repeat in short order; building robots that maintain infrastructure autonomously is a better spending model.


Germany owns 35% of Volkswagen; Norway kept their Resource Rights and amassed the world’s large Investment Fund with it; Dutch citizens live Good Lives without housing bubbles, inflation nor concerns for failing pensions as we do

In the next five years, China, Germany, America and many other manufacturing nations will be turning off their factory lights and letting the automated production-floor create higher quality, cheaper exports than Great Britain can compete with. Without Exports, our Economy will become the USSR’s Collapse of 1986

If we build self-sufficiency – between then and now – in the things the we need and now have to import today, Ireland, England and Scotland will be unfazed and will carry on as though nothing happened; but if we do not; if we are not self-sufficient, our society will collapse into panicked families struggling to provide for their basic needs. This was no different for citizens in Greece, Spain, Venezuela nor any of 72% of nations surveyed by CSQ Research that are trending toward economic and social collapse

Smart, self-sustaining hitech communities are Great Britain’s future – and that requires Planning and Responsible Development. ACT Great Britain is ready with the Right Plan of Worthwhile Projects that build our future – both cost-effectively and reliably.

Begin a Video Tour of Sustainable Technologies

Voting Reform – Open for Discussion

The practicality of voting for individual policies, has always prevented citizens from being in the legislature and voting directly on policy decisions. So, instead we elect MPs or MPPs and they vote on our behalf. Sometimes politicians vote as promised – but sometimes not. With the availability of smartphones & computers, we really could be voting on every issue ourselves – so why aren’t we? Instead of watching Monday Night Football, our MP’s could be introducing us to the issues of the week, or month, and we could be voting directly.

When laws are created, they must be monitored and revised on a routine basis – perhaps every four years; or sooner, if stated objectives of the law are not being met. What happens today is very different. Today, once laws get on the books, they remain unchanged indefinitely regardless of whether stated targets were met or failed altogether. Privatized Auto Insurance is one example – are we saving and improving good lives by this law? Tax Law is another – are major institutions hiring local, paying tax, investing locally, dissuading usury, and so on. I think the answer is clearly no. Laws are unsustainable when they do damage to our economy and freedoms – and technology now permits us to get online and view our Policy track-records in real time.


Strong Economies support strong democracies. Brexit, Trump and even Trudeau's election in Canada were protest votes wherein "Populist" election results could more accurately be called votes for "Revolution" - if speaking in a historical context.

Economies are not the mysterious things that we are often misled to believe. Great Depressions have come and gone every 60-years for 3500-years; as recorded in Mesopotamia and Babylon on the Code of Hammurabi stone located in the Louvre in Paris, France; and as recorded by William Thompson and Nicholae Kondratiev back to 930 AD in the Sun Province of China.

Correcting an Economy reliably is accomplished by scientific method, and by observing the validatable empirical track-records of similar policies operating in other nations. There are a lot of countries in this world, and only rarely is there a reason to decide which policy direction to take based on intuition, feelings, or emotion. Nearly every policy approach has a track-record; and a right and wrong time to use it.

95% of Socialistic Policy nations have advancing Economies and Good Lives (they live the "American Dream" today); 40% of Capitalistic Policy nations have advancing economies - but they are also dealing with social problems created by unmanaged inequity. The Conservative, pragmatic Plan today, therefore, is to emulate Policy already proven to result in an Advancing Economy - even if those policies happen to be traditionally non-conservative or even clearly Socialistic Policies. See Transition Economics Maturity Models

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Communist China had no fear of Capitalistic Policy when they recognized the importance of monetizing their Economy within their 30-year Right Plan. Capitalistic countries should similarly have no fear of Socialistic Policies that are proven to work during times of high inequity as we see in the Transition Economics wave chart above today. We mentioned above that when unmanaged, inequity costs economies four-times more. This means that if the U.S. were to spend $2 trillion in social supports, their exports would probably rise by $8 billion annually (see that math here.) Enabling the poor and unemployed to be economically productive is critical. A combustion engine with one cylinder missing is powerless in the same way, so we must ensure that all areas of our economy are contributing toward self-sufficiency to building economic injectors which increase our export revenues.

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Why ACT ?

Aristotle called the American Dream a “Good Life” 2500-years ago. A Meaningful Life, he explained, was one spent building a Right Plan of worthwhile projects that build a sustainable society; communities, with all the basic needs of a Good Life like abundant food, shelter, education, opportunity, transportation, prosperity and security.

Right Planning is a step-by-step process in Business, Engineering, Finance, and Economics to build sustainable communities and economies reliably. Hundreds of hi-tech jobs sharing resources across dozens of Smart City industries in a configuration that reduces Return-on-Investment (ROI) - down to as little as just 20-months.

Alan Turing’s 1943 Universal Machine began a 70-year era of automation that is as promising as it has been disruptive. G7 Governments appear universally uncertain about how to support citizens through a steady barrage of job-losses at the same time that the benefits of computer automation are undeniable.

Strategic Planning discussions often conclude that if we do not “shoot where the duck will fly”, and develop self-sustaining automation today, then we will find ourselves purchasing automated imports from China, Germany, and others within five years – and we see this already today.

No other country will spend more for our lower-quality exports – until the failing of our exports have a devastating, destabilizing economic impact similar to the USSR’s 1986 Economic Collapse for this same reason. In a global monetary system, countries must be self-sufficient and they must also monetize their economy by creating export wealth. Failing both risks economic collapse.

To solve these critical problems, CSQ Research - our guiding Think-Tank, compared the production, debt and trade stats of 180 countries and found that 72% are in a collapse-trending today (a “collapse-trending” indicates debt and trade deficits). Analyzing the policies and economies of the other 28% of “Advancing” nations, is a study in sustainable, empirically proven-successful policy - scientifically speaking. Here is what we learned.

Countries with high ExCaps very rarely have economies in a collapse trending – and people live well. The Netherlands’ ExCap is $33,600, Canada is $13,300, U.K's is just $7,378 and the US is $5,100. The UK, US and Canada are Collapse-trending; Holland is Advancing. When corrected to Holland’s ExCap levels, Canadians would earn $630 billion in new exports annually – that’s a 250% increase in today’s exports. The U.S. side-steps $8 trillion annually by this calculation, and the U.K. loses $1.5 trillion. China’s Economy is Advancing with low ExCap, but their brilliant, Herculean 30-year plan to lift 1.3 billion people out of the stone-age, still showcases a standard-of-living for the average citizen that would be a steep step-backward for G7 nations; low-ExCap, low-opportunity, plus high-inequity was the pervasive economy of a 1000-year medieval dark-age. (Find the stats that we used at http://csq1.org/forums/topic/middle-class-for-power-49-percent-for-prosperity/ and http://csq1.org/forums/topic/the-business-case-for-guaranteed-incomes/).

The discussion casts into sharp relief the very high cost of inequity-levels that prevent a highly productive population. For Canada, $630 billion in new country-wide export revenues makes a compelling Business Case for the 1/4th smaller-cost social supports, and automations that support a Good Life at a fraction of the cost - with new exports wealth while we sleep.

With community automations in basic needs of food, housing, energy, basic goods, Citizens are self-sufficient; they can live good lives that will be little disrupted by economic ups and downs. Automating communities reduces the need for Import spending, it creates exports that citizens can sell, and this approach also enables incomes to be sustained away from overcrowded cities and housing-bubbles; this prevents inflation, which protects pension values, while reducing inequity; and this strengthens democracy’s sustainably too.

Without these automations, and supporting policies, America’s Economy is not self-sufficient, so it will need more Imports as it struggles to sell its exports in an increasingly higher-quality, lower-cost international marketplace. As Trade Deficits and Collapse-trendings accelerate, we have few options.

Worthwhile PLCs build these automated Export Economic Injectors, and cost-of-living & import-reducing Community Automations specifically. Our Automated Exports, similar to Germany-owned VW, build robots (automated assembly lines) that build robots (autonomous cars, autonomous lumber farms, etc.) that create high-quality exports and new wealth (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-09-22/why-volkswagen-systematically-important-germany-and-europe).

Our automations adhere to #WPProjects’ list of the 250 technologies needed to create automated communities (see http://csq1.org/world-peace-transition-projects-faq/) and Transition Economics’ TEMature Policy (http://csq1.org/transition-economics-maturity-model/#TEMat); a list of the Economic Policy Injectors consistently employed by “Advancing” nations. Together, this is a Strategic Right Plan (another term of Aristotle’s) for reliably advancing economies, incomes, and spending-power - while we sleep.

Worthwhile PLCs build these benefits profitably and in a socially responsible and sustainable approach that works with people. Automation is not about denying someone income, or their dream job of delivering flowers, rather its about preventing a life spent twisting light-bulbs into assembly-line refrigerators; its about restoring poetry, music, arts, culinary arts, life-sciences research, imagery, exploration, discovery, and restoring humanity and freedoms to our society. Ask a 20-year truck driver (20-year anything for that matter) “Are you ready for a change?“ Eight times of ten, you are going to hear “Yes”.

Strategic Public Investment in interconnected Renewable Automations is a shift in thinking as beneficial as was Henry Ford’s assembly line. It’s a shift that supports worthwhile and profitable industry at the same time that it also harvests the trillions of dollars in economic prosperity left on the table when our technology Investments do not inter-operate to support a Good Life. When Investment Markets prosper at the same time that national Debt, Deficits, Unemployment, Incomes and Trade Deficits are corrected, only then can they be considered sustainable - and worthwhile.

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