Civic Science - National Leadership and Scientific Journal

In the 1930s and 1940s, Franklin Delano Roosevelt created the greatest economy and society in history. CSQ Research studies similar successes in 220 nations, to curate evidence-based cornerstone research in National Leadership

In 2021, CSQ’s case study The Book, introduced NL-BOK alongside a scientific update of history’s most important civics textbook The Bible – for its first legitimate update in 1,700 years

 90% of 54 large democracies are collapsing today, 62% of 207 nations were collapsing before COVID, every nation loses an average of $4 billion US daily, and worldwide we are at 1930s levels of production growth. The first step in solving a problem is realizing that you have one

Scientific Societies Programmes

CSQ Research builds Science in Civics and National Leadership that performance manages the contributions of 220 governments, business, financial institutions, and academic civics faculties of Economics, Business, Finance, Education, Law, Government, and Social Studies

CSQ Certifications ensure that evidence-based science can protect nations from the collapses created by the greatest security threats of our time – Inequality and Indoctrination

SSPs in every nation and university ensure reliable sustainable advance by deprecating indoctrination, protecting STEM education in fact and evidence-based civic sciences, and permitting natural sciences to thrive where today they often cannot exist without the shepherding nurture and protection of a strong civics curricula

CSQ Research Certifications

Collapse is real, it’s dangerous, expensive, preventable, and correctable; and Advance is ignored today also. Let’s recognize and fix these problems now

The World's #1 Philosopher

Academia’s tactical theory-based approaches have cost every nation  50 to 100%+++ of their economies today, while Supply Chains and inflation have squeezed productivity to record low productions worldwide. 90% of large democracies are collapsing and 90+% of the world’s citizens have no pensions

CSQ Research’s Founder is one of humanity’s greatest Philosophers because he builds hard science in Civics which fixes these obvious problems reliably, without “ism”s, ideologies, theory, unscientific math, or modeling

Fact-Tank WAOH and Do-Tank Worthwhile Industries correct collapse via Transition Economics and Transition Engineering evidence-based Civic Science & Planning that builds human advance and World Peace reliably – based on great philosophy, civics, values, reality, education, and truth:

National Leadership Science – for Successful Economies and Societies

CSQ Research’s National Leadership Faculty and Scientific Societies Programme tackles today’s big problems with proven solutions. Programs include:

CSQ Research evidence-based Global Leadership Faculty Scientific Societies Program

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Worthwhile Industries

Transition Engineering

CSQ Research’s Do-Tank is Worthwhile Industries. Highly automated supply-chain self-sufficiency infrastructure that builds strong economies and societies in every country

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Transition Economomics

MEMS A.I. Policy Decision Support ProgramMEMS A.I. – is the most sophisticated policy decision-support and data science portal on the planet today. MEMS lets you double your economy by putting highest-probability-of-success policies to work for your nation. See the 2011-movie MoneyBall to understand how applying a quantitative science is a game-changer

WAOH evidence-based Global Leadership Econometric LibraryWAOH – The World at our Hands Report, is the world’s largest context-qualified online econometric library – by cataloguing just a subset of MEMS’ tools and reports

A scientific approach to Economics and Business is essential for the reliable success of any economy. There are a near-unlimited number of transactions in an economy, so higher-probability-of-success policies assure advance 100% of the time

In the same way that a Casino aligns all of its transactions with highest-probability-of-success outcomes, MEMS analyses every indicator, sorts them by causality, creates targets, and monitors the projects needed to meet the targets that turn-around economies and return prosperity reliably.  MEMS recovers $4 billion dollars lost every day unreported in every economy

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What’s New

The Book & National Leadership Book of Knowledge (NL-BOK)

“The Book” is a fourth update of Ta Biblia, “The Bible”, and “The Books” in Greek, explained as a Case Study for contemporary evidence-based Civic Science

The Book - The Scientific Update of the Bible

The Book – The Scientific Update of the Bible

Check out End of War
Managing Mature Capitalisms

The Hardcopy Set

Worthwhile Industries

CSQ Global Leadership Engineering Plan - Worthwhile Industries

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CSQ Research builds Good, Respect, and Human Advance

Transition Engineering builds self-sufficiency and automated basic needs of life in every community worldwide, while Transition Economics ensures that our education and governments consistently teach and performance manage the strategic, evidence-based scientific National Leadership policies that build reliably successful Scientific Societies

We build World Peace

MEMS’ Double Your Economy Challenge

MEMS - Economic Enterprise Decision Support Application and Double your Economy Challenge


  1. Science in Constitutional Reform cannot come soon enough
  2. Notice to Academic Institutions
  3. The Proof that Wealth Theory Micro and Macroeconomics collapse economies
  4. The Science of 70%
  5. The National Leadership Book of Knowledge
  6. Our Academic Mediocracy
  7. Unsustainable Policies – Diversity and Inclusion
  8. Why has the United Nations failed?
  9. Conservative or Liberal Policies? Are they Sustainable?
  10. Why is Academia failing to teach us how to build a Sustainable Society?
  11. The essential welfare system. Is it beneficial to the economy?
  12. Terms & Nomenclature – The need for a Use Case for International Monetary Systems
  13. Social Contract versus Socialist Policy
  14. Sustaining Populations & Avoiding Overcrowding
  15. Is Canadian Finance failing our Economy
  16. Are Fuel Cell Vehicles and Home Hydrogen Stations – The Future?
  17. Support the Middle Class for Power AND The 49% for Prosperity
  18. The Business Case for Guaranteed Incomes
  19. Right or Left of What? The Conservative vs Liberal Myth
  20. The Great Dumb-Down; Protecting Canada’s Smart Legacy
  21. The Business Case for Empathy
  22. New Energy Poverty – the Legality of Wasteful Energy Spending
  23. Pipelines – The Case for Producing Fuels Locally
  24. Transition Economics Business Case
  25. Immigration is neither an Essential nor a Necessity
  26. Unsustainable Policy by Right or Left Parties still brings Collapse
  27. SUSTAIN Project Management Method
  28. Energy Policy
  29. Unsustainable Birthrates in 94% of High Income Nations: The Gender Inequality Policy problem in Canada
  30. Financial Industry Windfalls often Detriment to Citizens
  31. The Workforce at Fifty
  32. Financial Industry Windfalls at the expense of Canadians

The National Leadership Book of Knowledge (NL-BOK)

Global Leadership and evidence-based Scientific Societies Programme at CSQ ResearchProven National Leadership and Economic Reset

FDR created the American Dream and greatest economy of all time. He did it during a mature capitalism like today and with just a handful of policies. Eleanor took her husband’s empathetic Second Bill of Rights (1944) to the newly formed United Nations as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. Japan, Italy, Germany, Austria, and other European countries, lost the war but won the peace – when these rights were added into their constitutions by the Marshall Plan – which was necessary due to millions of civilian deaths after the war – caused by starvation and disease. Today these are the only G7s nations with advancing economies and the average paid vacation days in these countries is six-weeks; Italy has eight – and all have great universal healthcare, great schools and free university in many cases, much lower taxes than the U.S. private insurance scams, home nursing care, pensions, on and on

Seventy years later, FDR’s Second Bill of Rights is considered America’s greatest export – by many successful European nations

FDR’s policies included 20-years of Wealth Distribution (80% estate taxes) and Income Distribution (92% income tax) for the rich, Nationalism, Full-employment, single-income families, a strong empathetic social contract, debt-forgiveness, low cost-of-living, and affordable homeownership

Family values played a part. After divorce in a 70% unemployment rate decimated the nuclear family in the 1930s, Single Income Family policies ensured that both men and women could both live full lives. Women could start families when they wanted, birthrates maintained a sustainable 3.0 children per woman, and families could care for their old and young – so we didn’t need to ask others to raise our children and watch our elderly. Men could not keep high jobs in business or government unless they were “Heads of Households” and a husband’s salary supported both his relations – and his wife’s family too. Similar policies were no different in Russia, Europe, and the United States. Birthrates in North America’s “Double Income Family” policy norm today – are at an unsustainable 1.7 and less. This Double Income Family policy is known widely as Female Equality

CSQ Research theses, courseware, books, and articles explain sustainable policies in government, business, science, and non-theory-based Transition Economics – and many are also summarized in the pull-down Policy menus above

Social Contract is the biggest problem of our time or of any other in human history. Why? Because today’s 70-year-old monetary system cycle – is the first to mature to a normal imbalance within a mature nuclear era. Mature Capitalisms have created major wars reliably throughout history again and again, and this is the first time that those wars could bring the human species to its self-invented and self-initiated end.

By the timing of World War commencements in 1914 and 1939 – which were the result of our two previous low social contracts and mature capitalisms, we are within just ten years of the correctable 100% destruction of most living things on this planet by a World War III. Climate is a minor correctible issue in comparison and climate has never led to World Wars. Low Social Contracts lead to a routine of major wars throughout history reliably

The United Nations – was created to ensure “big picture” planning and to prevent another mature capitalism, and its failure to fulfill its primary mission explains why today it cannot keep up with a record-high number of world conflicts. The same failing explains why our schools don’t teach democratic voters the importance of sustaining Social Contracts and the incredible cost of low-opportunity low-Social-Contract economies. 95% of countries are experiencing and treating far-less-important social problem symptoms now (mental health, poverty, etc), without understanding what is the underlying cause. At CSQ Research we solve causal (root cause) problems first, we build sustainable societies globally (World Peace), and we do this transparently – and invite readers to learn to understand a defendable scientific approach that is proven to work in only the most successful countries and economies reliably

Evidence-based Transition Economics; at the Global Leadership Faculty at CSQ ResearchMature Capitalism

Capitalistic policies that work well to build a strong Social Contract (SC) early-on in a well-balanced monetary system, don’t work well later as the cycle matures and unbalances. This is due to first, the mathematical certainty of compounding annual inflations; and second, due to the natural imbalances created by successful unmanaged capitalism in any economy. As annual inflations of 1% to 14% compound for 60-years, a 1% inflation in 2019 is now 60-times (60% inflation) in 1960 dollars. Just 5% of nations today live the American Dream still because they actively managed the balance between incomes and cost-of-living; they ensured a strong Social Contract. Transition Economics (TE) proves that a strong Social Contact is causal to advancing economies at all points in a monetary system cycle’s maturity – and that a low-SC nation sends their economy into a collapse-trending reliably

In countries that did not protect their social contracts, productivity stalled. Why? Because citizens could not help their country to capitalize on its resources – and so the greatest resource of any nation, its people, became burdens upon the economy. A weak Social Contract (low-SC) nation loses an average of $4.3 billion per day and this cost is ignored unreported by GDP reports. Politicians present GDP reports only because they are always positive by design – but the first step to solving any problem is recognizing that you have one.

We didn’t have the data nor the computer-generated infographics to visualize, easily present, and understand complex economies 50-years ago, but we do have these today. Unfortunately, a typical 20-year Adoption cycle, delays our top schools who still teach theory in how economies should work, instead of teaching how economies do work – in transparent, verifiable Proofs as all sciences insist. Micro and Macroeconomics are theory-only – and these studies are also proven to be dangerous fiction in observation; only twenty to thirty high-Social-Contract nations, have prevented a mature capitalism today, this is from a field of 220 nations as well. And these are the same Economics instructions that built the powderkegs that resulted in World Wars I & II.

Social ContractVoters were never taught the importance of protecting Social Contracts, and other sustainable policies, with their vote – and FDR’s “Second Bill of Rights” was never added to America, Canada, England, France – and many other national Constitutions, to ensure the essential needs of any prosperous society. In North America, Conservative and Liberal political parties offer only unsustainable policies today. Both Right and Left parties obstruct economic prosperity in the same way that FDR’s nine policies (New Deals) were obstructed tirelessly by his Congress and by the Senates of the 1930s. The ACT Party is a solution for democracies wishing to vote for all nine of these proven turn-around policies.

Without proper reporting, economies become like a fleet of vehicles that are run without an oil change for a year. The fleet manager shows terrific cost-savings and is rewarded for his managerial skill; at the end of the year he is given a promotion, leaves the division, and now the next manager is responsible for the long-gone first manager’s costly engine repairs. Housing bubbles, starvation wages, under-reported unemployment, export revenue losses, all run unreported today – while politicians are “applauded” by a GDP report that was designed to always be positive. In 60-years, World GDP has been negative (by -1%) in one year only – 2008 – an economic year as catastrophic as was 1929’s crash.

In news, “isms” – in terms like “Socialism” – can be weaponized. This is because they are an amalgam of ten discussions: in ethics, ownership (public and private, property and production), social programs, merit, economic performance, and more. This ambiguation contravenes the Socratic Method’s best-practice of disambiguation (click to see an example disambiguation here). New econometric sciences like TE deprecate many “isms” for this reason – see a USE CASE for Monetary Systems & Terms here. TE also deprecates terms like Liberal and Conservative or Right and Left when describing business and government policies, preferring the terms Sustainable and Unsustainable Policy  instead – and then “Proof”ing/proving that policies are one or the other through both metrics and observation per scientific method.

Hardest hit by these confusing policies, terms, and misreports are the large democracies. Where socially responsible policy corrections were not ensured in national Constitutions, multi-billion-dollar advertising campaigns could redirect voters to prefer policies that damaged social contracts, stalled economies, and also repaid those expensive ad campaigns by sending 95% of all income gains to the top-1% rich. Political opportunists market-tested slogans like “low-tax”, “small government”, “conservative/liberal”, “open markets”, unAmerican, Socialism, Middle Income, Female Equality, and gun ownership, which compelled voters to inadvertently shrink their economies, increase debt, and to create the same dystopic conditions that authors Dickens, Byron, Hugo, Orwell, Aristotle, Hobbes, Tolstoy, Rousseau and many others, warned against during their experiences with mature capitalisms of the past. TE’s World at our Hands Report page explains the problems with each of these misreports.

Mature Capitalism / monetary system imbalance – is extinction-event-level dangerous, its expensive ($4.2 billion per day in Canada; $37 billion in the U.S.), and it is absolutely correctable.

CSQ Research’s Sustainable Societies Program is home to The SCP Report (The Social Contract Product Report), TASK (The Academic Sustainable Societies Challenge), Transition Economics and TE’s World at our Hands Report, ACT – the solution that gives every democratic citizen a vote, Worthwhile Industries, #WPProjects,, and more


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