CSQ “Certified Sustainable” Certificates For Investors

Germany’s 35% nationally owned Volkswagon – is an example of an EconomyTech Company in Germany. VW builds robotic assembly lines, which create world-class engineered products, and build superior export revenue for the German economy.

Johnson and Johnson – “A Family Company” ensures family values, living wages, family pensions, good homes, savings, productivity, and community contribution.

Evidence-based Science in Civics is Truth. Transition Economics - TECSQ Certifications DO NOT PERMIT harmful ideology-based policies designed by political groups to win 50% of a popular vote,ignoring the reliable national genocides (1.5% of 64 high-income nations population are lost today) or the 40 serious social problems created by these policies.

ESG is guilty of ignoring these collapses and it contributes to the extraction of starvation-level CO2 levels from our planet’s atmosphere as well.

CSQ Research is the world’s largest Public Civics Library and the pre-eminent leading World Expert in evidence-based sustainability science, fact, and truth.

90% of large democracies are collapsing today – in a world saturated and soaked by harmful ideologies in every news report and social media posting – see csq1.org/waoh/#ideologies

“CSQ Certified” companies and investments build clean productions that are GUARANTEED to create sustainable self-reliance, national prosperity, and Good Lives. Actions are more important than words, proven results are more important than utopic promises.

See a list of 250 EconomyTech products on our WPProjects home page

To take a virtual tour of an example CSQ Certified Worthwhile Industries Company, click on an icon  below …

Worthwhile Industries

SEED Automating Social Contracts & Self Sufficiency

GoodBots RoboRoads DotDomo2 FoodBots PharmaBots MiningBots Cirenergy2 GroundBots wpprojects

Scientific Societies

Scientific Societies approach everything from an evidence-based performance-managed approach.

When we vote for CSQ Certified ACT Parties, when we invest by CSQ Certification requirements, when we send our kids to school for education and not indoctrination – see TASK, and when we build sustainable productivity and Good Lives – we build reliable Strategic human advance (World Peace).

CSQ Research’s is a comprehensive approach that focuses governments, educators, and investments into technologies and companies that build a bright future sustainably – like we did just 70-years-ago.

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